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Life Engineering Program

A 1 on 1 Experience with a  Career Coach to...

Find your purpose, understand what inspires you and never face lack of motivation again.

Stop agonizing over hard career and life choices. Datacize your personality, values, priorities and create the character sheet of you (yes, like in D&D). Understand at a glance what is right for you.

Budget your ideal life and stop worrying about how much money you need to make it all happen. Spoiler alert: my clients usually overestimate by about 1000%.

Create the blueprints and plans to your ideal life. Build an inspiring vision of how all parts fit together. Break it down into parts, the parts into yearly goals.

Do it like it matters: Plan, track and improve your performance using the same project management tools and principles you use at work. But this time for ALL the things you care about.

And More!

Use all of the information above to pick the right career path to get you started on your journey. Never regret such a choice, be immune to failure, and be able to move on when required.

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Make the best life and career decisions by treating your life as a complex system in which your career is only a single component. Then engineer it to get the results you only dream of. What does it look like?

Part 1: Collect Requirements

Design Intent

What is your life's purpose?

Session 1

Draft Requirements List

What are your values, what is most important to you? What are your strengths?

Session 2

Define Functionality and Characteristics

What consitutes a balanced and fulfilled life and what is missing from it today?

Session 3

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Meeting Monthly

For the extremely busy professional.



Per Month Tax Incl.

Meeting Bi-Weekly

For moving forward, but not forgetting your life. 



Per Month Tax Incl.

Meeting Weekly

For the quickest results ever!



Per Month Tax Incl.

Worried About Contracts?

Cancel any time, for any reason, and get reimbursed for time not used. Some conditions apply.


Iaroslav's coaching was so helpful — he walked me through all sorts of professional, academic and personal questions to help determine my strengths, goals and values. As a young adult starting out my career, I wasn't quite sure where to go or where to begin, but Iaroslav asked all the right questions for me to reflect and figure out the best path for me.

His coaching was extremely valuable and has definitely put me on the right track to continue growing and thriving!



Iaroslav knows how to listen really well. What I love the most about him was how he can make you think about your problems (internal and external) very well and find a solution that is very practical and that you can repeat and adapt to different situations.

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